Privicy Policy

Contents and photos belong to It can not be used without permission even if the source is shown.

We respect your privicy. The security of your personal information are given below.


Comment Section

Your e-mail adresses mentioned in the comment section are not shared with third parties.


Contact Section

You can contact with site admin via this page. Your e-mail address is required to return you and it’s kept confidental for your privicy.

Personel information may be shared with judicial and administrative bodies in accordance with the privicy policy.


Social Networks

The social networking components used on the site are secure components that are taken from the devoloper pages of the relevent sites and used by the producers. There is no additional privacy policy for social networks.


Cookies and Web Pointers in order to provide good service to the reader by using technical communication files (Cookies).The technical communication file helps to obtain statistical information about how many people visited the site, how many times the person visited the site, how many times they visited the site, how much time they spent on the site, and helped to produce advertisements and content dynamically within this information frame.